Root Cause Research on Autoimmune Disease

Ten years and 8 autoimmune/chronic conditions into remission later I can tell you there is SO MUCH misinformation when it comes to autoimmune disease.

Even our medical professionals don’t readily share the truth about your body’s ability to heal because they simply have been taught a different rhetoric.

Let’s reprogram your rhetoric right here, right now, with the fact- filled research.

When it comes to autoimmune disease and chronic illness:

  1. Your body is never attacking itself.

  2. Hormonal birth control is a big autoimmune disease instigator.

  3. Trauma is the real root cause of disease.

  4. Pharmaceuticals are not completely effective, and never treat the root cause.

I encourage you to not just take my word for it, and dive into the research summaries and articles referenced below.

If you’re feeling lost, as always, reach out for your own unique guidance.

Autoimmune disease truths:


Your autoimmune disease does not come from a confused immune system and poor genetics!

Your intelligent body is always going after a chronic infection!

Did you know the foods you are eating are unknowingly exacerbating the body’s chronic infections?

Here is the good news… you can support your body by feeding her foods that will help the immune system fight infections and reverse the root cause!

Check out my One Day Detox to get started with the foods your body needs to HEAL!


Common Risk Factors for Autoimmune Disease in Women (The Pill?)

Let’s make something clear, I am NOT anti pill, I AM pro informed consent.

When it comes to modern medicine, we are trained to pass out the pill like Christmas candy and never taught the realities about how this drug can affect the human body.

In my early twenties when I had over 8 different autoimmune and chronic illness conditions, I was NEVER once told by my doctors the pill had any role whatsoever in my conditions.

Birth control pills cause your real hormone levels to flatline and flood your system with synthetic hormones so that you don’t become pregnant. You need natural healthy hormone levels to support immune, thyroid, gut, adrenal, and nervous system function just to name a few.

Now, a decade later, having healed my autoimmune conditions I can absolutely say I would not have taken the pill (or any form of hormonal birth control) had my doctors informed me of the following…

🤍see slides below for more information

AD & Trauma

What if I told you that your disease has way more to do with the trauma trapped in the body versus your body “attacking itself”.

What if I told you that healing trauma as your root cause rather than blaming faulty genetics is a much more effective treatment strategy?

What if I told you your doctors may not have all the answers when it comes to autoimmune disease, but research is uncovering the secrets that can give you more options than just pharmaceuticals?

Well.. I don’t necessarily have to tell you this because the research will. Check out the slides below and tell me (in the comments) if you still think your symptoms came idiopathically (out of nowhere) and medication is the only hope…

HINT: energy healing is a key piece in autoimmune healing

Drug Effectiveness

As I have witnessed autoimmune clients heal their body without using pharmaceuticals or eventually weaning off prescription drugs I started to question why they are so heavily encouraged in mainstream medicine. Even when I practiced in this space I couldn’t get behind a pill for every ill. Yes, we need life saving medication. However, are pharmaceuticals the best treatment for autoimmune disease? What if we have other methods available?

Comment below if you have witnessed autoimmune healing using alternative treatment methods!


As I was pouring over these studies, I’m like woah woah woah, we’ve got it all wrong.

Our medical industry leads with medication when medication should be the final support or a temporary ease as we focus on healing the root cause.

We are taught to treat just the physical body when we are first and foremost energetic beings.

Medicine is ignoring the fact that we are a soul in a human body, the body comes second, the soul needs healing first.

Trauma creates fractures in the soul until repaired, the soul splits, the energy field has a gap until healing takes place (insert dissociation (disconnected feelings & memories), alexithymia (difficulty expressing emotions), anger, and autoimmune diseases).

Disease and symptoms cause our soul to not fully occupy the house, because being in the house sucks, it is painful, it's scary.

How can we heal what we don't fully feel??

A healing nutritional therapy protocol unique to the person helps the body lessen inflammation so we can invite the person back into their body to do the real heal- the energetic work!

The nervous system becomes and stays dysregulated through trauma- the nervous system is the foundation for the immune system and whole body!

When we have a dysregulated nervous system we have a weakened immune system.

Trauma in the body is like when the breaker flips in your bedroom when you have your hair dryer, space heater, red light therapy and speaker plugged in.

What happens with trauma in the nervous system starts with an event that is too great of a stimulus for the circuit, the circuit (the nervous system) flips, the fuse blows, and the event or the trauma is stored in the nervous system or body.

The current medical model does not offer us an option to remove said trauma through a subconscious and somatic route.

On another note…

Did you know we have a soul contract with our bodies? Our soul/God allows symptoms and disease into our body to fulfill our purpose and bring us further into alignment!

There are so many of us that have gone through illness and trial to not only grow our own soul but also provide the container for another’s soul growth. Pretty amazing, huh?

So why are we just treating the physical body? Our world has got it backwards, if you are struggling with autoimmune disease or chronic illness I encourage you, flip the script on what it is your body needs to heal, instead of a backwards way to healing, begin in your energy field and see what may be stored there keeping your central nervous system on overdrive and your immune system weakened. From there the nutrition, the supplements, the detoxes will have a much greater effect.

Need support on your healing journey? Head over to my blog for a ton of free resources. From there my website is linked- where you can find 1-1 or group support to begin healing today.

Jen’s top three products for autoimmunity…

Zinc supports overall health and is present in all tissues, organs, and secretions of the body. The B-Complex provides essential nutrients needed for numerous systems and biochemical reactions. Unique vitamin C enhanced with flavonoids for antioxidant, immune, and vascular support. Try any of these to upgrade your systems!