How My Intuition Got Me Engaged

I just want to say sorry to all the partners of intuitive men and women out there trying to plan a surprise engagement but your boo it’s just too dang tapped in that you’re running around trying to stay three steps ahead of her and she is still tuning into your plans.  I promise you this gift she has will serve you all other times of your life together EXCEPT trying to plan your surprise engagement.

I wanted to be surprised… I really did! The truth of the matter is, my intuition showed me the whole engagement playing out before my third eye as I blow dried my hair Monday morning, about 36 hours before the proposal actually happened. 

Except…what happens when the plans don’t go as your intuition has suggested to you? What happens when you are so sure of what your intuition has revealed to you yet the plan doesn’t play out in front of you like you had so assuredly felt and believed??

Well, that’s what happened to me. I had no idea our spontaneous date night on 2/22/22 would result in me getting engaged. Jeff just asked if I wanted to celebrate our Valentine’s Day dinner that night since we were helping to host a thai yoga couples massage event at our yoga studio on the actual holiday. I, of course, agreed to the date night when he suggested we go to my all time favorite restaurant, Cafe Gratitude. I should have picked up on something when he told me, “wear something sexy” as we are the king and queen of sweat pants for date nights, but I just figured he wanted to build up a romantic night ending in his hopes of getting cheeky with me. I had no idea what the man of my dreams had in store that night.

As I was blow drying my hair I saw a flash of events playing out coming from my pineal gland. I wasn’t even thinking about our dinner date when I saw an engagement ring, us taking photos outside, and us celebrating at Cafe Gratitude. Our friend Chris, a professional photographer, was outside with us taking photos and again at Cafe Gratitude in my vision.

Tuesday morning came and I was so excited I could hardly wait to get up at 5 am to go workout with my love at the gym. It took all I had in me to not tell everyone I felt like I was getting engaged that day! Except I did tell the sweet woman fingerprinting me when I went in to renew my license. She was about to ink all of my fingers and I said, “wait! Does this come off? I think I’m getting engaged tonight!” she said yes of course with the wipes provided, and went on asking me about the plan for the day. I told her I need my fingers clean because I know there will be photos. We were both giddy with excitement as I stamped my naked ring finger across her tablet. I left practically skipping out of her office, and of course saw another array of 222s on the way back to my office.

Here’s the thing..we get so fixated on what we think our intuition is saying that we miss the opportunity to stay open. 

You can trust your intuition. 

However, how the mind dictates the intuitive knowing will unfold is what we must be weary of. 

Yes sometimes the mind is in cohesive harmony with our spirit led intuition, and sometimes the mind will want to fix, craft, and create its own plan it prefers from our premonitions. 

Trusting your intuition also means acknowledging timelines. 

As humans, God has granted us freewill. We have many possibilities we can choose along our path divinely laid out before us. It’s like a choose your own adventure book- the theme of the story is laid out before us, yet we choose how we get to our destiny. 

What I was seeing were two timelines as I was drying my hair the morning my spirit showed me I was about to become a fiance. 

First, Jeff’s original proposal plan popped into my head and I saw us outside. Then I saw the big ask happening inside the cafe. 

When the actual night came and no proposal arrived according to my premonitions, I started to break down at dinner and lose faith that I had made all of this up in my head albeit the angel numbers everywhere and my body’s strong knowing something was about to happen. My mind wrapped around the fact that neither imagery had come to fruition and constricted the expansive knowing that wanted to come to me about there being another way! 

To follow the enitre inside scoop to our big proposal day I have copied and pasted verbatim my journal entries from the day of and day after below..

Tuesday 2.22.22

I can’t believe I am getting engaged today! I had a few feelings but yesterday getting ready in my room I could see the ring, the plate at Cafe Gratitude, the city. The Angel numbers for me lately have been crazy- they’re showing me: 222, 777, 888, 444, 333, 218 812, and numbers mirroring one another. Last night I saw 222 driving to yoga and on the road sign again 222- I can’t believe today I get engaged!!!

 It feels like such an exciting new chapter and focus in my life. Being able to focus on me and family and life as well as my business not being my entire life- family coming into center stage at a time where my dad is healing and I enjoy spending lots of time with him. I am excited to blend our families. I am so grateful to have my dad in increasing health to be a part of this next chapter: marriage, kids, new heights in our businesses. I’m excited, so happy I could cry and a little nervous. I feel a tiny bit of guarding from my heart in case this doesn’t play out tonight. If I don’t see Chris there to take photos I know my heart will feel sad- as he has been part of the vision I am seeing.

What’s crazy about getting engaged is you never go’re now a fiance and you can never not be engaged. You’re entering into a deeper stage with someone and you’re now a unit. I’m excited for this, it’s just crazy as it will change so much of me, my self description, etc. I’ve been a single person for so long it will be a shift to operate as an engaged couple. I can’t wait to be Dr. Jen White DNP!!!

Wednesday 2.23.22

Well, my intuition was correct. I did get engaged yesterday! My visions/knowing  were right, how my emotions/imagination ran with the premonitions is such a great lesson. 

First the vision came in seemingly out of nowhere. The vision swept through me the day before as I was blow drying my hair. I had a feeling a knowing first that was then combined with a vision. My Angels were sending me signs the two days before. I felt the energy surging through me, it took all I had not to feel what was coming up, what the Universe had for me in perfect alignment! It is so comforting after this big move in life to feel/see/know I have been completely led & supported by the Universe this entire time. It feels so good to have God in all you do!

It will take everything in you NOT to feel the energy coming your way when the Universe wants to deliver a message to you! I cannot get over the amount of “signs'' I was seeing leading up to the event. 

The Saturday before: a ridiculous amount of angel numbers when taking my dad to get IV infusions.

The Sunday before: I kept seeing 222 and mirroring numbers on cars side by side, like 812 218, it was the strangest thing! That night I could feel energy pulling me closer to Jeff, beckoning us onward to a new step in our relationship. 

The day before, Monday, I was blow drying my hair with one million things on my mind for work and all of a sudden I saw Chris outside of Cafe Gratitude, a ring on a plate, photos being taken outside- all of the plans Jeff had gone through to get to his final plan! I felt it would happen in an airplane Jeff was flying, also one timeline Jeff has later told me he considered (but then he told me he was nervous I would get so emotional and cause a plane wreck LOL). 

Intuition was feeling into all of the possibilities. 

The mind wanted to sort out/plan out/figure out exactly how intuition would be proven. But what happened instead was a twisted turn of beautiful events that said yes you can trust your intuition- & you can let God’s plan wow you at the same time. 

The weather got too cold for Jeff to propose at the park with the pups as he had initially planned, then have us celebrating at Cafe Gratitude. His mom helped craft the home staging and proposal in our living room, which had me defeated at dinner. I pulled up to Cafe Gratitude, Jeff letting me know he was already inside. Upon first glance observation I didn’t see Chris, our photographer friend’s car, I thought surely he would be inside waiting. When I entered the restaurant everything was as normal as could be. I could hardly speak or say much during our meal. I was so disappointed I thought surely it would happen before or during dinner. 

The mind wanted to overrule my heart’s knowing, old rejection trauma came into memory as I sat there in defeat. I was convinced Jeff would be the one not to break my heart in the same way! He was happy and casual, showing no signs of a pending proposal the entire meal. I started guarding my heart- defeated and wondering how I was going to unleash these tears when I got home in a way that wouldn’t put a rift in our close, harmonious relationship. I mean he didn’t do anything wrong by not proposing, perhaps I had made it all up in my head…

As we left dinner, Jeff grabbed my hand to cross the street. As we hurried across I thought, “is this it?!” and quickly glanced for any signs of Chris, our photographer who I knew would be involved. When we got to the other side, nothing. I didn’t see his car and Jeff was clearly ready to get on his way home. The week before Jeff had told me he met Chris in this exact part of town for dinner, I was sure they were scheming something after my vision the day before. 

One interesting observation I had, Jeff had backed in the spot next to me, which raised the idea of why is he wanting to get right out of the parking lot? He walked me to my car then quickly sped off out of his parking space. Damn, I thought, this really isn’t going to happen tonight. I turned on country love songs feeling every lyric like a dagger into my heart, does Jeff really feel this way about me? 

In that moment, a random car sped by me with 222 (keep the faith) on the license plate at the same time I passed under a billboard with 777-7777 (luck is on your side) written in large letters across the display as I crossed over a bridge of water (symbolizing emotion).

The Universe was screaming “stay hopeful Jen!”. My heart was beginning to crack. I knew I was going to cry one way or another at home. Cry if I am engaged or cry if I don’t get engaged. I felt silly building this whole dream up in my head. I was scared I would never be able to trust my intuition ever again if it had made this whole thing up leading to an intense heartbreak. 

I finally arrived home with my heart racing, this was the last chance the proposal could happen tonight. I pulled into the garage and Jeff, just a few meters ahead of me, had already bolted inside and  the dogs were not in their usual kennel spots. 

Weird, I thought. My heart happily knew something was up. I looked for Chris’s car again but it looked as if a new car was parked at the neighbors and a jeep from down the street was adjacent to our house. I didn’t see any surprise visitors at our house. I had expressed to Jeff once before that if we ever get engaged I want a professional photographer present capturing the precious moments we will only ever get to live one time, and I know my honey listens to my wishes.

It did not fully register with me the jeep was his mom’s here from 2.5 hours away to help scheme the entire night! 

You see my mind was so busy, too busy, trying to treasure map, puzzle piece everything together exactly how I saw it to allow my intuition to come into play and speak to me about the fluidity of the plans and say, “hmm Jen whose Jeep is that?”. Instead I thought the neighbors must have had company. By not trusting my intuition I had engaged my fight or flight mode which kept me hovering above my body and unable to fully feel the cues she was giving me and hear the Spirit’s voice. 

I walked into the basement from the garage and everything in the house was silent. I didn’t hear the dogs excited like they are when we just arrived home or Jeff moving around. I knew something was up at that moment. I walked up the stairs and everything became blurry and started to spin, such a whirlwind of emotions that had built up over the past two days as I was trying to focus on the moment. 

Jeff was calling my name as I walked up the stairs. I saw his mom (crying) and hiding in the corner. I bolted to the right to set my stuff down in the kitchen, too overwhelmed to think about taking off my coat. As I turned to look at my love on one knee he had the dogs by his side in their own proposal attire. 

Jeff had already asked, “Jenni, will you marry me?” twice already while my head was spinning and I had not landed back in my body. So I said, “say it again”, Jeff looked a little concerned as he asked me again, “babe will you marry me?”. 

Somewhere in between the ugly cries and sobs I said “I knew this was going to happen today but I was afraid you weren’t going to..on and on…until I said YES!” shaking my head up and down. Jeff stood up excited, relieved, and with shaking hands placed the most beautiful and perfect ring on my left hand.

Finally, just as my intuition revealed to me, Chris was behind him snapping the most perfect photos, I had hardly noticed him until my body grounded down into the moment. I was shaking from the emotional journey of the past 48 hours. I had said YES to the man of my dreams as I was relieved that my intuition and I could stay friends. 

I will leave you with my favorite quote on intuition from none other than the amazing genius himself, Albert Einstein:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”


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